Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bush's legacy is set in stone

As the life mercifully begins to slip away from George W. Bush's presidency, I've been wondering what his legacy will be and how history will judge him.

Bush has fucked this country in the ass big time, in more ways than one. First of all, when President Clinton (my personal hero) handed power over to Bush in 2001, he also handed over a surplus of $236 billion, which Bush in turn squandered, like a girl in a shoe store, through seven years of unchecked defecit spending. When Bush leaves the White house in 2009, he'll leave behind $3.5 trillion in new debt.

This administration has lost more jobs since Herbert Hoover. Under Clinton, middle class incomes increased more that $6,000 a year. Under Bush, those same incomes have dropped by $1,000, while health-care premiums have doubled from an average of $6,000 to over $12,000 per family. And, please don't get me started on those fucking tax cuts.

The military Bush inherited was one of all active-duty Army divisions rated highest in readiness. The new president will be handed an thinly stretched, overworked military facing the worst readiness crisis in a generation, with not a single active duty or reserve brigade "fully combat ready", according to the Pentagon. I shudder to think of what would happen if World War 3 broke out and America was attacked Pearl Harbour-style.

America before Bush was a nation that was respected on the international stage. In England, for example, America was held in high regard and good will and respect towards the States still lingered from World War II, even though that was so long ago. Thanks to his dictator tactics, Good Ol' Dubya will leave behind a country reviled around the world.

In a nation where the law is held in the highest regard as one of the strongest foundations of society, Bush carelessly tossed the law aside like a dirty Kleenex and, in a move that reeks with the foul stench of Nazism, has continually spied on American citizens without warrant.

Bush's legacy will ultimately be defined by his biggest failure, the war in Iraq. The President invaded Iraq, a country that did nothing to us, to search for WMDs that we now know don't exist. This search was fueled by speculations, tainted intelligence reports, and trumped-up charges that were used to cover up Bush's true motivations for waging his unjustified war: a hypocritical thrist for foreign oil and the personal agenda of finishing the job Daddy Bush couldn't get done in 1991. The results have been the murders of almost 4,000 American troops and over 600,000 Iraqi civilians (including women and children), an open-ended commitment to occupy and protect a country full of cowards who don't have the spines to stand up like men and defend themselves, their families, and their homeland, and the neglecting of the justified war in Afgahnistan that was aimed at destroying the Taliban (who are slowly reemerging) and the capture/killing of Osama bin Laden.

I could go on, but I've vented enough and I've made my point. Despite the above facts, most conservatives still hold Bush up as a poster boy for their outdated and misguided ideals. If not for the 22nd Amendment, they would no doubt repeat their 2004 error in judgment and send His Fraudulency back to the ill-gotten office in which he now sits. But history is more objective and it will not be kind to Mr. Bush. When the history books on this age are written, Bush the Younger will join the likes of Franklin Pierce, Hoover, and Richard Nixon, among others, in the presidential hall of shame. He is and will be remembered as a complete and abysmal failure.

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